One step at a time

I think life is a lot about reflecting on your past and looking into the future. With 2021 ending with a gasp in my heart, and 2022 starting with a foggy prelude, I am compelled to welcome things as they are and coming.

No matter what I do, the universe works on its own. But that just doesn't take away the determination with which I want to do things. I put in my heart and soul in doing things I like, for people I love, and for causes that matter the most. Even after surrendering myself if things don't turn up the way I intend them to do, I still work for them. I burn myself over it, kill myself over it, keep working for what I aspire - if still, it doesn't end up the way I intend, then I consider it's the universe's way of telling me - babe, it is time.

It is good to take things slow.. never until now I realised the pace of taking things slow can be stretched to months. The reclusion where I am right now is cathartic. Perhaps I needed it and didn't realise it, till it happened. Giving myself the time to first, acknowledge the unease 2022 has brought and second, experience it freely. I think nobody really wants hardships, but the lesson they teach - is what we need. 

Universe has its own ways. It's a process we have to trust. No choice there.

There's an ocean and I have to flippin' swim! No lifejacket. No lifeguards. Just me and the ocean. Hope in my heart for better things to arrive, and deep down hoping them to happen the way I intend them to be. I know holding onto the idea of the future panning out the way I imagine can be damaging, but I'm also trying to free myself from controlling the future.

Let's see how and when I reach the banks.


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